Sundays 5:00 PM
Join Us!
Sundays 5:00 PM
Thursdays 6:30 PM
at Kitty Hawk Baptist
"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12
General Announcements
Couples in Christ Bible Study: Strengthening marriages through God's Word and prayer. Monthly gathering with a pot-luck sign-up. Contact the church for details at
Women's Breakfast: A monthly women's ministry held at various homes once every month. Join the women as they begin a Saturday with coffee, breakfast, and a devotion in the Word. Check the calendar for upcoming dates!
Men's Breakfast: A monthly men's ministry held at various homes once every month. Join the guys as they begin a Saturday with coffee, breakfast, and a devotion in the Word. Check the calendar for upcoming dates!
New Calendar: Calvary Chapel Outer Banks has created a useful calendar to share events with the church. Check it out by clicking HERE!
T-Shirts: Calvary Chapel Outer Banks has T-shirts for anyone interested. It is a great way to share the love of Jesus and who we are as a church with the community! If interested, speak with Pastor Donnie or Krystal.
Women's Breakfast: A monthly women's ministry held at various homes once every month. Join the women as they begin a Saturday with coffee, breakfast, and a devotion in the Word. Check the calendar for upcoming dates!
Men's Breakfast: A monthly men's ministry held at various homes once every month. Join the guys as they begin a Saturday with coffee, breakfast, and a devotion in the Word. Check the calendar for upcoming dates!
New Calendar: Calvary Chapel Outer Banks has created a useful calendar to share events with the church. Check it out by clicking HERE!
T-Shirts: Calvary Chapel Outer Banks has T-shirts for anyone interested. It is a great way to share the love of Jesus and who we are as a church with the community! If interested, speak with Pastor Donnie or Krystal.
Ministry Opportunities
Children's Ministry Sign-Ups: If you have a serving heart and the Lord has gifted you with children's ministry, please contact Krystal for sign-ups to serve on Sunday and Thursday evenings during the services.
Worship Leader Role: Calvary Chapel Outer Banks is seeking a worship leader to lead Sunday and Thursday evenings. If you are interested, please get in touch with the church office at
Worship Leader Role: Calvary Chapel Outer Banks is seeking a worship leader to lead Sunday and Thursday evenings. If you are interested, please get in touch with the church office at
Do you know Jesus?
Have you ever wondered what the purpose of life is? You have been fearfully and wonderfully made to know God personally, to have a relationship with Him, through His Son, Jesus Christ
Service Times
Kitty Hawk Baptist Church
3946 N Croatan Hwy
Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
3946 N Croatan Hwy
Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
Sundays 5:00 PM
Thursdays 6:30 PM
Thursdays 6:30 PM